Sunday, March 02, 2003

MASIH SEPUTAR SIARAN Kembali siaran, kali ini minggu sore, jam 5-an, lagi gak ada yg siaran, ya udah gua isi. rupanya portnya beda, jadi skarang di, gua sempet bingung kok susah konek rupanya port-nya udah beda ... ehauhaua. anyway, materinya antara laen :

311 - I'll be here a while
alkaline trio - private eye
amazing crowns - halos and horns
at the drive in - arcarsenal
better than ezra - rosealia
black crowes - jealous again
smashing pumpkins - i am one
liquid tension experiment - when the water breaks (16 menit 57 detik)
led zeppelin - that's the way
fear factory - dog day sunrise
weezer - mykel and carli
sebadoh - the freed pig
stratford 4 - hydroplane
puya - remora
nadasurf - stalemate
def leppard - hysteria
dinosaur jr - raisans
hole - miss world
L7 - andres

btw, asik juga, milih lagu2 yg diputer, serasa di film high fidelity ... ehauhaua. ngatur lagu2 yg kenceng, yg slow, diseling2i. dream come true. thanks (lagi) buat eko dan kawan2 di #metromini. paling gila tuh liquid tension experiment, 16 menit 57 detik !!! ehuahauha.


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